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The Mexican-American culture and its stories have remained in secrecy for a very long time. "Voices from the Past" is giving a pathway for these stories to remain intact over time. It is the deep-rooted teachings from these stories that have had an impact on the preservation of the Mexican-American culture. In a time where being Mexican-American is looked down upon, it is critical that we remain united and rise as our ancestors have always taught us to do. The richness of our culture has so much to share with the world and this is just a small portion of it.

Spine-Chilling Stories...

Toluca Ranch...

"During the interview, the new owner stated that hauntings were still going on in the home.  Unexplainable things were occurring that she could not explain..."

Marie Laveau

"New Orleans also has a historical bond with voodoo.  Voodoo's origins come from the binding between Catholicism and African religious practices.  This is how voodoo can include prayer and herbal practices..."

The Hitchhiker from Route 77

"Alberto began to have a gut feeling that this was not something he wanted to be part of.  The old lady stopped in front of an old tombstone and laid the jacket on it.  It read "Marisol Morales April 12, 1961 - October 31, 1980...

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