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Sailing Through Writing Workshop 



Writer's Workshop is a teaching technique that invites teachers in helping their students to write by making the process a meaningful part of the classroom curriculum. Ideally students are introduced to the process of writing in the early elementary grades and write daily through varied activities provided during the trainings.


Tadpole Academy!
(Recommended Grade Levels: K-2)




This course has been created for teachers that teach the youngest eager writers. During the pre-sentence course, students will be introduced to parts of speech and how to recognize and use them in a sentence. Students will understand how to recognize and form a complete sentence with a subject and predicate. Students will also learn to recognize basic capitalization rules and proofreading strategies. 

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Shark Academy








               (Recommended Grade Level: 2nd -4th)

Teacher will be trained on how to assist their students learn to write and revise their own complete sentences, with descriptive details. Gaining knowledge on the four sentence types as well subject-verb agreement, students write sentences correctly, and with confidence. Acting as an online writing tutor, a certified teacher instills these foundational principles to students through engaging exercises and encouraging feedback as they learn to construct clear and grammatically correct sentences.


Captain Academy

(Recommended Grade Level: 3rd-9th Grade)





This course introduces elementary/ middle school/high school teachers on the best instructive way to teach longer forms of writing. It prepares students for essay writing by engaging them in the process of writing various types paragraphs such as expository, persuasive, and narrative. The culminating activity of the course is writing a five paragraph narrative essay. Each student works one-on-one with a certified teacher, who acts as an online writing tutor providing personalized feedback, guidance, and assistance.


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© 2018 by Daisy Lopez

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